Project Update – April 2023

Dear Donors, Friends and Well-wishers,

You are aware that the construction work of Advaita Ashrama’s new building in Kolkata had commenced in the month of May 2022. In the last eleven months, foundation work of “B” wing has been completed and RCC slab for two floors has been cast. The RCC work of the remaining five floors is expected to take another five months. In “A” wing about 85% of the piling work has been completed a few months ago. The work on this wing is presently halted for operational reasons while we await further fund collection.

Till date we have spent approximately Rs. 6,07,00,000/- (Rupees six crore seven lakh only) for the above work. All this has been made possible by the generous and munificent donations made by thousands of well-wishers and noble souls like you, who have been great supporters of Swami Vivekananda and his mission.

You may recall that out of the total outlay of Rs. 42 crores, Advaita Ashrama had collected Rs. 17 crores over several years before the project had started. We had appealed to devotees, friends, well-wishers and the public for another 25 crores for the completion of this project. So far we have received donations amounting to Rs.2.75 crores (Rupees two crore seventy five lakh only) from numerous devotees and wellwishers.

We take this opportunity to thank you all heartily for your invaluable support. May the blessings of Sri Ramakrishna be on all of you, is our heartfelt prayer.

Here are some pictures:

Yours in Sri Ramakrishna

Swami Shuddhidananda
Adhyaksha, Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati/Kolkata