New Release: Eternal Values for a Changing Society

New Release: Eternal Values for a Changing Society
Author: Swami Ranganathananda

Swami Vivekananda believed that eternal spiritual values alone can hold the ship of human society firmly and give stability to it and, in the process, bring meaningfulness to the varied human activities and endeavours.
This book in 9 volumes comprising the speeches and writings of the Revered Swami Ranganathananda is an answer to many fundamental social, political, economic, and spiritual problems that beset the modern age.
Volumes 1 and 2 deal with ‘Philosophy and Spirituality’, volumes 3 and 4 with ‘Great Spiritual Teachers’, volumes 5 and 6 with ‘Education for Human Excellence’, and volumes 7, 8 and 9 with ‘Democracy for Total Human Development’.