Advaitamritam ( अद्वैतामृतम् )

The Nectar of Advaita

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Spiritual Retreat at Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati

Advaita Ashrama will be conducting “Advaitamritam” spiritual retreats in 2025. These retreats will be based on Advaita Vedanta. The scriptures to be studied are Vivekachudamani, Aparokshanubhuti and Mandukya Upanishad.

Who can participate?

These retreats are meant ONLY for serious spiritual aspirants desirous to learn and practice the way to Self-realization (atma-jnana). Only serious SEEKERS OF TRUTH should enrol. Only women and men in the age group of 18 to 50 can apply. They should have an inclination towards the path of Advaita Vedanta (the path of Self-enquiry or jnana-marga) and should be ready to undergo the rigorous process of Self-enquiry and meditation.

The participant should be free from physical or other ailments.

Only those who are ready to strictly abide by the daily routine and the discipline of the Ashrama should enrol.

Scriptures TO BE STUDIED

Vivekachudamani of Sri Shankaracharya

Vivekachudamani is meant for the first-time applicants.


Aparokshanubhuti of Sri Shankaracharya

Aparokshanubhuti is open to all applicants.


Mandukya Upanishad with Sri Shankaracharya’s commentary

Only those who have attended the Vivekachudamani sessions can apply for Mandukya Upanishad.



Mandukya Upanishad


14 MAY
20 MAY





Enrolment Fees

Retreat Fees:
The fees for the retreat is ₹10,000 for 6 days. This covers accommodation and meals (breakfast, lunch, tea, and dinner).

After the submission of the enrolment form, the participant will be informed (through email) whether he/she has been accepted for the retreat. Only then he/she should pay the fee.

Journal Subscription Requirement:
Participating in the retreat requires subscribing to the monthly journal “Prabuddha Bharata” for atleast a year. For a one-year subscription of Prabuddha Bharata, Indian nationals need to pay an additional ₹750/-. For foreign citizens and Non-resident Indians, the one-year subscription will cost an additional ₹6,000 due to extra shipping charges.

The above is not applicable to those who are already the subscribers of Prabuddha Bharata.

Booking Cancellation and Refund Policy:
In case of cancellation of your booking, the fees will be refunded only if we are informed about the cancellation 30 days before the retreat.

In case of cancellation within the period of 30 days before the retreat, the fees will not be refunded and will be taken as a donation for the Ashrama activities.

It will not be possible for us to refund the fees paid by foreign citizens( and NRIs) for technical reasons.

Dates for Arrival and Departure
for the Participants of Advaitamritam


The participant should reach Mayavati on 10th March 2025 by 6 pm and report at the Manager’s office. At 7 pm on that day, there will be an “introductory session” to welcome the participants and to introduce them to the retreat. The participant will have to checkout from Mayavati on 16th March morning.


The participant should reach Mayavati on 14th April 2025 by 6 pm and report at the Manager’s office. At 7 pm on that day, there will be an “introductory session” to welcome the participants and to introduce them to the retreat. The participant will have to checkout from Mayavati on 20th April morning.


The participant should reach Mayavati on 14th May 2025 by 6 pm and report at the Manager’s office. At 7 pm on that day, there will be an “introductory session” to welcome the participants and to introduce them to the retreat. The participant will have to checkout from Mayavati on 20th May morning.


The participant should reach Mayavati on 14th June 2025 by 6 pm and report at the Manager’s office. At 7 pm on that day, there will be an “introductory session” to welcome the participants and to introduce them to the retreat. The participant will have to checkout from Mayavati on 20th June morning.

Conducted By

Swami Shuddhidananda
Adhyaksha, Advaita Ashrama

Applications for winter sessions in 2025 will be accepted from June 1, 2025.

Apply Now

We pray to the Supreme Divinity to shower his grace (anugraha) on every member of this retreat so that he/she can uplift himself/herself and rediscover oneself in a NEW LIGHT.


Swami Shuddhidananda
Advaita Ashrama

What our participants say

It was Holy Mother’s anugraha that I could visit the Mayavati Ashrama and learn by sitting at the feet of respected Maharaj Sri Swami Shuddhidananda ji. The retreat was a blessing to me on the spiritual pursuits of mine. Sri Maharaj made us understand the lofty ideals of Advaita.Most importantly, the teachings helped me see a new dimension to Kathamrita. Sri Maharaj’s teachings were an eye opener – I have read Sri Sri Thakur’s words for nearly 2 decades, but never ever could I see it in the lights of Advaita. I am grateful to Sri Maharaj and all the monks of the Advaita Ashram for this.

… This has been the most enlightening & empowering week of my life.

Saunak Bhattacharya
(September, 2024)

Thank you so much for the Advaitamritam retreat (Vivekachudamani – May 2024). I am extremely grateful for this invaluable opportunity and highly indebted to you for profoundly enlightening us about the true purpose of human life and the means to achieve it.

We all feel truly blessed and are thankful to everyone at the ashrama. We are grateful for all the retreat arrangements, from the satvik food served with love to the seamless logistic support, which made our stay and travel comfortable and allowed us to focus single-mindedly on the classes.

Indrani Madhugiri
(May, 2024)

The Advaitamritam spiritual experience of my life is truly indescribable. It was a meticulously designed course that flawlessly imparted the highest truths and the purpose of human existence to the seekers. Revered Swami Shuddhidananda ji’s sessions were an extraordinary blend of Shravanam, powerful Vedic chanting, and his unique teaching style, which incorporated diverse illustrations and captivating storytelling. Such an approach is unparalleled in its effectiveness.

The sessions of Nidhidhyasanam were intensely experiential, evoking a profound sense of gratitude within me. It was during these moments that I truly felt the depth of my learning. All of this took place in the serene embrace of the Himalayas, where Swamiji’s gracious blessings further enhanced my journey of self-discovery. I am also deeply grateful to the resident benevolent Swamijis, the dedicated staff, and the kitchen personnel who ensured our Advaitamritam retreat was a seamless and enriching experience.

Tanushree Nandi
(June, 2023)

Advaitamritam spiritual retreat was a life changing experience to me. The way the whole retreat was structured shows how much thinking it must have gone in structuring the same. During the whole retreat, each moment I was feeling gratitude. All the other logistics information and help provided to us was very nice! Overall as I said I feel nothing but gratitude towards all the Swamijis and support staff of Mayavati.

I hope with the blessing of you and the Divine I continue on this wonderful Journey.

Mrunal Parekh
(March, 2023)

Advaitamritam retreat really gave me Amrutham to my spiritual life. For me it ignites in my heart and removes the darkness of my spiritual doubts. I have so many doubts for last 20 years about the link between Guru Maharaj (Sri Ramakrishna) teachings and Swamiji (Vivekananda) teachings. At Mayavati it’s clarified. I understood the link among Sri Shankaracharya, Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda. Now onwards I am understanding the teachings of Swamiji and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna in the new dimension.  Your teaching and explanation of the Viveka Chudamani is marvelous.

Sridhar Jalla
(Oct, 2022)